Thursday, 15 September 2011

Arrival: Myra Falls

We drove around the lake and found the road to the Myra Falls Parking lot.  As you can see from the phot of the map, Myra Falls is not in Strathcona Provincial Park but in Strathcona Westmin Provincial Park.  There are two parks with similar names.  The government split off part of the original park, tacked the name of a mining company onto the original name and created a class B park which allows mining.  So they cheapened the park in order to dig up some rocks.

We took the less travelled, upper path and this lead us onto a rather narrow and treacherous path.  "Caution be damned" seems to be Brett's motto when it comes to potentially lethal falls off of tall rockfaces into churning water.  He's always got to get some shot of white water in some gorge sure to kill a body if a body does fall in.  Yes, he did take a bit of a slip that made me gasp.  MY CAMERA!

The falls drop several times before they get to the main pools.  This log, once a full sized tree, had been washed down to its present location.  Winter must see even stronger water flow.

The trail then lead us back away from the perilous cliffs and down this rather steep and narrow path.  Skittering all the way we managed not to fall or otherwise tumble our way down.

The path lead down to the upper of the two main pools.  Everywhere I go I run into German tourists.  True to form there was a gaggle of them at the falls.  Having talked to friends from Germany they have told me everyone there loves Canada because we have so much wild area left.

This  moth had lost its life in a very calm little side puddle.  Usually I'll check out stuff like this to see if the animal is still alive and if I can possibly help out.  Having poked it to ensure it wasn't in need of assistance I got the gamera rigged for close up shots and took this one.

Below the last pool the river starts to cut a bit of a gorge away again.  The rock layers have given way to look like steps.

The cut lets the river down into Buttle Lake.

We had an earthquake up island and off the west coast last week.  At 6.4 it wasn't strong enough to cause any damage but it was felt as far away as Vancouver.  I never feel these things.  I've also been known to sleep through houses burning to the ground across the street.  This shot shows a good illustration of how the the earth can bend things up.  Look how arched this bit of rock is!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous shots Ray. Makes me miss Island life even more <3
